What causes baldness? Understand why people lose their hair
Table Of Content "But aren't e-cigarettes healthy? They're not as bad as cigarettes, so why would they make my hair fall out?" How Smoking and Vaping Damage Oral Health Clinical treatments Androgenetic Alopecia (Male and Female Pattern Baldness): Caring for your scalp with activities like head massages can also improve blood circulation. Smoking and vaping may be possible causes of androgenetic alopecia, the most common type of alopecia. For example, one study in the Journal of Trichology raised a possible link between alopecia and smoking. Some of the shared elements of smoking and vaping were raised as potential triggers for alopecia, such as nicotine and reduced blood flow. When it comes to cigarettes and hair loss -- the connection has been clear for a while now. "But aren't e-cigarettes healthy? They're not as bad as cigarettes, so why would they make my hair fall out?" Most e-cigarettes contain nicotine, and according to 2022 research...